Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Concept from my grad film

Its a pretty good time to update on the progress of my film, Key Lime Pie. I just finished my animatic, ive got a few small changes but for the most part ive got something i can move forward with. Right now im trying to establish the overall look of the film, so heres my first layout concept; Times square all key lime pie'd up. Expect more posts very soon, in the meantime id love some feedback.


Jeffrey said...

yeah, i bet you would love some FEEDback, for a film about a type of FOOD. a PUN trevor?? really? the worst part is i don't even think you meant to write it like that. so tell your subconscious it's not funny, before it quits it's day job of being an animation dork.

Anonymous said...

Hey Trev,

I've been wanting to give you feedback on story, but everything I think of seems to be pretty nitpicky - it seems really tight!

So I guess I'll just add my two cents about the layout..

Seems that the tones push you over to the right of the image plane, with the central key lime billboard seeming to be of less importance (the size of the "key" on the right seems to balance the central "lime" and the two streetlights plus the foreground "taxi" sign seem to push the eye to the right more, in my opinion). I'd tweak it a bit to make the pile of pie a lot more prominent - perhaps either by size or by tones. It might even push it back to the center again if you made a sign on the left bright as well (Possible the circular one on the top left hand corner?)

The drawing's pretty sweet though. Have you thought about making everything pie-shaped? (The taxi lights, the marquees, etc).

Hope everything's going great with the film. Looking forward to the screening!

Eric said...

trev, looks nice. I like the way you were able to have the mass confusion but still hold a strong focus. the brightness of the "lime" in the background really pulls the eye back and into the shot. Also really dig the variety of signage and their shapes. Will you post the animatic? I'd really like to see that.

Anonymous said...

lookin friggin awesome! now post your animatic!! can't wait to see this one

Anonymous said...

really looking forward to this Trev...

Anonymous said...

really looking forward to this Trev...

Lianna said...

Hello! Cool painting! It will always remind me of the "Rappies" !!!!

Mark said...

Hey man, I saw your animatic at the screening. It looks awesome! Your layouts really set the mood and overall look. You could really feel and believe the creepy time square key lime pie death city. The narration also worked really well. I loved how hed go to eat it and put his tongue out and tap it with his tongue savouring it. The credits were hilarious too how hes dead lying ther. I cant wait to see the final film! Good work man!

Anonymous said...

I like the composition but what would happen if you shifted it to the left a tad bit so the billboard Key Lime pie sits right on the sweet spots of thirds, you know what i mean?

Jarrett said...

Hey man. Great piece. Your leica really got me absorbed today at the screening. It's going to be awesome. I think some sound effects and better pacing could have helped mine!

Andre Barnwell said...

Oh you tease.

Anonymous said...

Saw your lieca today. OUTSTANDING. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Look out for this artist boys and girls... he's goin places quick!

Mark said...

Trev.. Nice work.. I liked you lieca... Your film has such a nice feel to it..

Unknown said...

feed back here?..HAHA... we will talk face to face or on MSN sometime man(don't want ppl laugh at my feed back..:)... love the drawing.. really cool style you got there... I'm totally going to draw more .. dont' want to look to bad to be screen in the same screening..:p

alexandre said...

Bah, I missed out on the screenings and from the looks and what people have been saying it's quite something.

Good luck in your film/ future projects.


Anonymous said...
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Evan Bonifacio said...

trev, ive seen the leica, an im expecting the film. an all ill say is that i love your work, and the wonderful work youj doing for the art community. good luck, and any thing you might need from my self or my kin is less than problematic. happy holidays man.

Ellie Ventura said...

Can't wait to see the final film. As always, your work is amazing!

Marvision said...

Yo Trev! Happy 2007 dude. How's the animation movie projects going? Can't wait to see your final film man! Key Lime Pie. The style looks crazy cool.

Keep me posted ya!