Big post here...Ive been working long hours of the film since jan, so its been hard to get together new pieces. I thought id post some existing work i had laying around. I wanted to mention a few people who really helped me out at Sheridan in the last few years and were vital in my development as an artist. Robin Joseph, Bernard Joaquin, Ben Plouffe, and Linton Joseph are all linked right. They were as good as almost any teacher I had at the school, so i wanted to mention them all in this post. Above are some longer poses from lifedrawing which were used in my newest portfolio. The second image are a bunch of crocodile designs that I did right before my second year which I tightened up a bit just recently. The last piece was a digital painting I did from the movie lost in translation, also in the summer before second year while plouffe was teaching me how to digital paint(i had no knowledge of photoshop before). Im not crazy about the scarlett johansson portrait, but I was really happy with the bill murray back when i finished it. Anyway, back to animating Bazo. And check out all four people mentioned, all have blogs with great work.
trev the drawing in the middle
is rad. OK its a back view and
these are always easier but still
you nailed it dude
it has a visual force
good luck with the film and all
the portfolio job stuff now that you are almost done
stay the course and listen to ur
heart man and dont let the "teachers" confuse u
thats the best part of sheridan
the final stretch
Awsome lifedrawings! love the face on the last one. The bill murray portrait is dead on.
that croc rocks!
I was always a fan of that painting, nice crocs.
those crocodiles are really great
hate to sound like a borken record but that croc is sick still. Love to see that animated one day.
you've come a long way Trev! well deserved!
thanks for the mention bro hope all is well take care!!!
life drawings are pretty ill, nice steez.
i love the crocodiles. very sweet design and its different. thats the thing i like most about your stuff. Its not like anything else out right now.
Wow, love those life drawings, very nice tone!!!
love the art --
bill murray painting- you chose a great subject to paint, you really captured the characters,
im quite impressed with this one.
the bill murray pic is awesome, your work is pretty amazing stuff keep it up man
just discovered your piece...great work, man! I'm definitely coming back.
WOW. Fantastic work here.The bus sketch with pen is nice. The blue charcoal is wonderful. And I'm just floored by the "Lost in Translation" Caricatures!
2j3bid Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
NFzQyi Nice Article.
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Please write anything else!
Hello all!
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
Vx6bWG Please write anything else!
Good job!
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